After you’ve graduated with your college degree, you might be looking for a way to make student loan repayment easier and save money on your loans. Refinancing your student loans can make your debt more manageable and reduce your interest rate. While refinancing student loans in the U.S. can be more challenging for international students, it’s still possible and worth exploring. If you’re wondering how to refinance private student loans, read on for all the details.
When you refinance a student loan, a private lender pays off your existing student loan and issues a new one in its place. This can:
At first glance, refinancing your private student loans seems like a great deal, and it can be. However, as an international graduate, you may have a difficult time refinancing private student loans with many lenders because of certain requirements.
To refinance your private student loans, for example, you may need one of the following:
As an international graduate, you may qualify with any of these options. Depending on which lender you choose, you may need to take these steps to refinance your private student loan:
Once your refinancing application is approved and your new loan is up and running, make sure to submit all your payments on time. Making on-time student loan payments can help build your credit score.
As an international student or graduate, you may face some challenges that domestic students don’t have. At the top of the list is not having a credit history. You can build a credit history by:
If you don’t yet have a good credit history of your own, you may need to apply to refinance private student loans with a cosigner who is a U.S. citizen or permanent resident. Perhaps you have a partner, or you have developed some trusted friends. Any of these people would qualify, as long as they have decent credit and are willing to share this debt.
Finally, to qualify for refinancing your student loans, you will need to provide your visa status. You may need one of the following visa types: J-1, H-1B, E-2, O-1 or TN. In addition to this, it is a good idea to prove that you plan to stay in the U.S. for the long term and are reliable. You can prove this by:
Learn more about how to refinance a private student loan.
DISCLAIMER – Subject to credit approval, loans are made by Bank of Lake Mills or MPOWER Financing, PBC. Bank of Lake Mills does not have an ownership interest in MPOWER Financing. Neither MPOWER Financing nor Bank of Lake Mills is affiliated with the school you attended or are attending. Bank of Lake Mills is Member FDIC. None of the information contained in this website constitutes a recommendation, solicitation or offer by MPOWER Financing or its affiliates to buy or sell any securities or other financial instruments or other assets or provide any investment advice or service.
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