Free Immigration and Career Preparation Webinars for International and DACA Students

By Su Hsiang Yu | In Career Guidance, MPOWER VIP, Path2Success | 16 September 2019 | Updated on: March 17th, 2021

We know international students face special challenges when conducting a job search. That’s why we’ve teamed up with immigration attorney Art Serratelli and professional career coach Jason Levin to launch a new FREE 10-part webinar series exclusively for international students.

In these webinars, you’ll learn everything you need to know to secure a job or internship in the USA in 2020, including how to get the work authorization you need.

Click on the links below to view a full description of each session and to register. And please help your friends by sharing the registration links – there’s no need to be an MPOWER borrower to attend!



How International Students Can Leverage Their University’s Career Services Office

Did you know that you need to start your search for a post-graduation job or a summer internship NOW? Surprising as it may seem, companies are already flocking to your campus for job fairs and on-campus interviews. Don’t miss out!


Know Your Immigration Options—and Use Them to Guide Your Job Search

Did you know that there are 15 different visas that will allow you to stay in the U.S. after graduation? Avoid the common pitfalls international students face in their job search – don’t get overly focused on getting an H1-B (to the exclusion of other, easier options) and don’t waste your time seeking out employers who will never hire you!

Learning the Art of American-Style Networking

Are you unsure what Americans (or Canadians) mean by “networking”? Or just nervous about how to approach people at an American networking event and unsure of what to say? What does it mean when Americans say they “networked” their way to an interview – and how can you do that?


Narrowing Your Search & Identifying Target Employers

Feeling overwhelmed by your job search? Not sure where to start? Then this webinar is for you!
Professional career coach Jason Levin will walk you through how to narrow your focus to a specific industry and function, communicate this in a 30-second ‘elevator pitch,’ identify and prioritize target employers, and find the right job boards and industry publications.




How to Write an American-Style Résumé and Cover Letter—and Get an Interview!

Are you used to European-style CVs and puzzled by what you should—and shouldn’t—put on an American-style résumé? Are you struggling to revamp your résumé to support a career switch? Or are you discouraged that your résumé isn’t landing you interviews? If any of these apply, this is the webinar for you!


Power Hour: Update Your LinkedIn Profile in Real Time!

Have you been putting off updating your LinkedIn profile because you just don’t have the time?
Are you unsure how to create a great profile?
Join Maureen Klovers, MPOWER’s Director of Social Impact and the head of our Path2Success program, as she guides you in updating your profile step by step.

Power Hour: Use LinkedIn to Get Job Leads and Informational Interviews!

How can you use your LinkedIn profile to find great job opportunities and arrange the right informational interviews? In real time, professional career coach Jason Levin will guide participants in using LinkedIn to set up targeted job search alerts, search for relevant 2nd connections, and send out a request for an informational interview.


How to Conduct a Great Informational Interview

A successful job search in the U.S. or Canada typically involves dozens of informational interviews. But do you know how to prepare for one? What are the right questions to ask–and not ask?



How to ace common questions

Interviewing, Part I: How to Ace Common Questions

Are you unsure how to handle questions such as “What are your biggest weaknesses?” and “Walk me through your résumé”?
Professional career coach Jason Levin will remove some of the mystery surrounding the hiring process. He’ll give an overview of the process and then delve into the difference between an HR screening and a hiring-manager interview, case interviews and behavioral interviews, and a good answer to “tell me about your biggest weaknesses” and a poor answer!

Path to success

Interviewing, Part 2: How to Stand Out as a Finalist and Negotiate an Offer

Congratulations! You’ve made it through the initial screening interview. Now what to do you? How should you prepare for future interviews–and stand out from the competition? Join professional career coach Jason Levin as he walks you through the process. He’ll answer all your questions about how to prepare, how to handle tough questions, and how to follow up appropriately–all with the goal of getting an offer! He’ll end with an overview of salary negotiations.

Click on the image and reserve your spot now!


Author: View all post by Su Hsiang Yu

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