Student loans are an important tool to help you cover the cost of your education. They’re essential for many students, particularly international students, who might face high tuition fees and living expenses. Student loans can bridge the gap between the cost of your education and your available financial resources, such as savings, scholarships and grants. There are various categories of student loans, including U.S. government loans, private international student loans, institutional loans and home country loans.
Categories of student loans
U.S. government loans
U.S. government loans are typically not available to you as an international student. These loans are funded by the U.S. government and usually offer favorable terms, but eligibility is restricted to U.S. citizens and permanent residents.
Private international student loans
Private loans are a great option to consider as an international student. Private international student loans are provided by banks, credit unions and other financial institutions. However, it’s important to research the interest rates and additional requirements to ensure the terms will meet your needs.
Institutional loans
Institutional loans are offered directly by universities and are usually available at larger universities with significant endowments. These loans can be restrictive in terms of who’s eligible (for example, institution students only) but often come with favorable terms. You should check with your university’s financial aid office to see if such loans are available.
Home country loans
Home country loans are provided by financial institutions in your home country and can be used to finance education abroad. You should compare currency exchange rates, transaction fees and repayment plans when considering these loans.
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Private student loans for international students
As an international student, you face several challenges when seeking private loans:
However, there are options available for those who can’t secure a cosigner or have no or little credit history in the U.S. One solution is no-cosigner loans. Some lenders offer no-cosigner student loans specifically for international students. These loans are based on your future earning potential rather than your current financial status.
Key considerations for choosing educational loans
There are two main types of interest rates:
When considering student loan interest rates, calculate the potential long-term costs under different scenarios to determine which option best suits your financial situation.
Repayment terms
Repayment terms define how and when you will repay your loan. Each lender will have varying repayment terms, key aspects to consider include:
Credit requirements
Credit history and the need for a cosigner can be significant factors in considering a student loan:
Legal and visa considerations
Ensure your international student loan complies with visa requirements and other legal constraints:
Consult with your university’s financial aid office or legal advisors to ensure compliance with all relevant regulations.
Total cost
Calculating the total cost of the loan, including interest and fees, is a requirement for understanding the full financial commitment:
Why consider MPOWER Financing?
MPOWER Financing provides student loans to international students studying overseas in the U.S. or Canada. Founded by former international students, MPOWER gives students the best options for student loans and offers additional benefits beyond funding with exclusive career, immigration and financial services to support students before, during and after graduation.
Here’s how MPOWER Financing can help:
MPOWER Financing Student Loan
A loan based on your future earnings
The main options for student loans are private loans, institutional loans and home country loans. Private loans are offered by financial institutions, institutional loans from universities and home country loans from banks in your home country.
You can access loans through lenders offering no-cosigner options, such as MPOWER Financing, and through home country loans. It’s essential to research and compare different loan options to find the best fit.
Key factors to consider include interest rates, repayment terms, total cost, credit and collateral requirements. Make sure to understand all terms and conditions of your loan before committing to it.
Yes, many student loans cover both tuition and living expenses in the U.S. Private loans and some institutional loans can provide funds for housing, food, transportation and other costs. Always verify with the lender or institution about what the loan covers.
DISCLAIMER – Subject to credit approval, loans are made by Bank of Lake Mills or MPOWER Financing, PBC. Bank of Lake Mills does not have an ownership interest in MPOWER Financing. Neither MPOWER Financing nor Bank of Lake Mills is affiliated with the school you attended or are attending. Bank of Lake Mills is Member FDIC. None of the information contained in this website constitutes a recommendation, solicitation or offer by MPOWER Financing or its affiliates to buy or sell any securities or other financial instruments or other assets or provide any investment advice or service.
2025 © MPOWER Financing, Public Benefit Corporation NMLS ID #1233542
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