Managing your finances can be intimidating, especially if you’re a student or recent graduate just beginning to become financially independent. With everything you’re balancing right now – school, work, friends, family, hobbies – your…
Whether you are in the beginning stages of a college search or well underway in your academic pursuits, it’s always a good idea to think about how you can cut down your college tuition…
MPOWER, a public benefit corporation and start-up lender, and Flywire, a leading provider of cross-border payment solutions, announced today at the 2016 Arizona State University (ASU) GSV Summit that they are partnering to bring…
On May 10, 2016, a new rule published in the Federal Register will allow students who have studied a STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) field in the U.S. to apply for a longer…
DISCLAIMER – Subject to credit approval, loans are made by Bank of Lake Mills or MPOWER Financing, PBC. Bank of Lake Mills does not have an ownership interest in MPOWER Financing. Neither MPOWER Financing nor Bank of Lake Mills is affiliated with the school you attended or are attending. Bank of Lake Mills is Member FDIC. None of the information contained in this website constitutes a recommendation, solicitation or offer by MPOWER Financing or its affiliates to buy or sell any securities or other financial instruments or other assets or provide any investment advice or service.
2025 © MPOWER Financing, Public Benefit Corporation NMLS ID #1233542
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